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Kettl Blog
Japanese Tea Pots Demystified. Your Questions explained
A guide to understanding the Japanese tradition of Kyusu making I receive several emails a week from customers asking about Japanese tea pots. I thought...
Delicious, Easy Iced Green Tea in 1 Minute
Here in both NYC and Fukuoka, We are experiencing some of the hottest days of the year. With that in mind, We wanted to share...
The story behind Kettl’s famous Matcha Chocolate
We get asked all the time about our Matcha Chocolate - things like “how is this so good?”, “what matcha do you use?” and “Is...
The Truth About The Health Benefits Of Green Tea
Dr. Andrew Weil, M.D., is a world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, a healing-oriented approach to health care which encompasses body,...
Does green tea have caffeine?
We get asked this question a lot: Does green tea have caffeine? If so, how much? Simple question. Not such a simple answer. What makes...
Matcha latte Recipe: Kettl's secret, revealed
At Kettl, it is well known that our focus is on our best in class matcha - produced well, packaged well, and prepared well. It...
What does green tea taste like?
I realized recently that I can quickly and pretty accurately explain the difference between light steamed and deep steamed sencha. It’s not too difficult to...
The Best Places To Have Tea In Japan
One of the most frequent emails we receive is for our recommendations on where to have tea while visiting Japan. We wanted to share a...
Get To Know: Miyabi Sencha
Why do We love Miyabi Sencha? When I worked for a well known Japanese tea company in New York during in the late aughts, I...